Writing at least 300 words for one page is not always easy. We advise to do so, since the amount of copy you have on a page is influencing the page ranking in a positive way. But what should you do if you own an eCommerce website with for example multiple pages about different types of pants?
Felisza Nichols takes the opportunity to ask a question about this in our series Ask Yoast:
“I want to know if having less than 300 words for your product page is bad. I have a clothing store and it’s difficult to write 300 words about a pair of pants.”
Take a look at the video below to see our response to this question!
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You can read the transcript of Joost’s answer here:
“That’s something I can relate to, especially if you sell a hundred different type of pants. The funny thing is, on a store, the 300 word length is probably quite a bit. The question is:
A. Should you have that much text on the page or is there a lot of other content on a page that you could count in as well so you could do with a 150 or 200 words?
B. Should you really be optimizing for this specific product or should you be optimizing the category page for which it is usually a lot easier to write 300 words than for the product page.
So the question you have to ask yourself is twofold:
A. Should I optimize the specific pants page? Or should I optimize the categorie page?
B. Could I get away with 150 or 200 words because I have a lot of other content on the page? So if you have a lot of images or technical information about the product then you can usually get away with less content.
The biggest thing I would say is: optimize the category page and don’t optimize the individual product pages that much.
Good luck!”
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Source:: SEO