Our Local SEO plugin helps you to be found by patients or customers in your neighborhood. To make sure you don’t miss out on any of the great functionalities, we’ll publish some posts on how to use the plugin best. We’ll most probably even reveal some possibilities you didn’t know about! In this post we’ll tell you how to use the plugin to set up your landing pages.
To get started: here’s the installation guide and configuration guide. It won’t hurt to read those first!
Single or multiple locations?
If your business exists of one store or office it’s pretty easy for you. You just need one landing page. Do you have multiple locations? Then you should create separate landing pages for every single business you own, as well as an overview page of all your locations. Further on we’ll explain how to do this.
Don’t know how to set up your website for multiple locations? Please take a look at our guide.
What to show on your landing pages?
Each landing page should at least show the name of your business, your address and a phone number. You can create a new page for that, in case of a single location. In case of multiple locations you can create a new Location (a post type that appears in the left hand menu, when you tick the box multiple locations).
On the page you can enter your business name as the page title. Adding some keywords and your city to the title may be a good idea for Local SEO ranking factors, but as always: don’t overdo it. But when you have multiple locations with the same business name, adding your city to the title as well will create diversion between the pages.
The address can be added using the shortcode we provide for it. It could look like this:
[wpseo_address show_state=true show_country=false show_phone=true]
Take a look at our guide for more options or methods to add the address.
Adding a map
Additional to the required title and address you can add a map to help your users find your business. It’s not a requirement, but it’s such an improvement for the user experience that you should definitely do this. Adding a map can be done with this shortcode:
[wpseo_map id=all width=800 height=600 zoom=3 show_route=true]
For more options please check our guide.
SEO settings for your landing pages
Basically this isn’t any different from your regular pages. Make sure to mention the most important keywords, including the location. For example your title tag could look like this:
Luca Brasi's Fish restaurant in New York
For meta descriptions the same rules apply as for regular pages on your site. Although they don’t count as a ranking factor, you do want to make them as appealing as possible. The meta descriptions aren’t shown in the local packs, nevertheless they’re still visible in the organic search results. So you’d want to convince visitors to click on your link.
Want to make sure your company website ranks high in Google in your local community? Check out our Local SEO plugin »
Creating an overview page
Whether you just have two business locations or several hundred, creating an overview page with all your locations is always a good thing. To show all your locations on one page you can use this shortcode: [wpseo_all_locations]
If you don’t want to do this by a shortcode and implement it following the WordPress template hierarchy you can use the archive-wpseo_locations.php file for it. If the file doesn’t exist yet, you can just create it and loop through the posts.
Please look at our knowledge base for a more detailed explanation.
Sort your locations by category
In our plugin we also offer a custom taxonomy together with the Locations post type, so you can categorize your locations. If you want to show your locations on the overview page you could use the following code snippet:
View the code on Gist.
Using the store locator
Our plugin also contains a store locator, a very useful functionality for your visitors. Not only they’ll be able to search for a store, they’ll also have a visual overview of all your stores on a map. To use this you should add the following shortcode: [wpseo_storelocator]
We hope you’ll get more out of our Local SEO plugin with the help of this post! For more options please check our guide. In our next post we’ll explain more about the possibilities of the store locator.
Source:: SEO