As your blog gets bigger and attracts a larger audience, content writing becomes content planning and content managing. On larger blogs, a team of authors usually works together. Blogs are written by individual authors, but these authors still have to work together. Otherwise, a blog with the exact same topic could appear twice. Or, authors could use a totally different style and tone of voice. In this post, we will give some tips on how to manage the content of a growing blog.
: ‘How to manage the structure of a growing blog’ »
Content planning
If your blog and your audience are growing and you’re getting more serious about blogging, you should make a plan for your content. If you have a personal blog, planning your content will be fairly easy.
You should blog regularly. It’s hard to give exact numbers. For a company blog, a daily post will be totally acceptable. For a personal blog this probably won’t be doable at all. Try to establish some kind of frequency and stick to it. Your readers will appreciate a reliable schedule. Once you know you can commit to your chosen schedule, make sure to communicate it to your audience somehow, so they know what they can expect.
If you often write about similar topics, make sure to mix things up a little. Don’t write articles about nearly identical topics one after the other. Of course you can still write blog series, but try to vary between topics as much as possible. You could also make variations in the form of your content. A video post for example really spices things up!
News & current events
When planning content, you should take a look at your own calendar as well! Are there any major events coming up which are worth mentioning in your blog post? Make sure to mix these ‘current-events posts’ with the other posts you have lined up.
Do you own a blog yourself? Learn all about optimizing your blogposts with our Content SEO eBook »
Style guide
If your blog is growing and you are working with multiple authors, composing a style guide for your blog is a great way to make sure everyone writes and spells in the same way. In a style guide you can agree to write words in a certain way. Of course, we all should write proper English, but use of capitals and brand names could differ. As all authors write for the same blog, it will create more unity if everyone spells the important words in the same way.
In the style guide you could also agree on the length of posts, the use of paragraphs and headings, and the use of images. It should be a document in which you write down all the things you want the blogs to be similar in. If you work with an occasional guest blogger, a style guide could be a great document to help them write a post that fits the style of your blog as well.
Editorial calendar
An editorial calendar is really necessary if you’re working with multiple authors on a blog with frequent posts. You could make an excel sheet, or write down the posts in your own calendar, but you definitely should make some sort of planning. Decide amongst each other who writes which posts. These decisions are most easily made in some kind of meeting in which all authors will sit down together. Decide what topics you want to address and who will write about them.
A growing blog will ask for more content planning, especially when blogging with multiple authors. It’s important to come to an agreement about style, the topics to write about, and the number of blog posts to write. As long as authors keep on working and talking together, a blog with multiple authors can be a great success and make your blog even grow further!
Keep reading: ‘Managing a growing blog: technical SEO’ »
Source:: SEO