This week we had quite a bit of news. But…. I’ve written about it all, already. So I’m gonna be a lazy guy and point you straight at the three posts I wrote this week on Google changes:
The week started with us not knowing much yet, but it’s good to read this to get an idea of what everybody thought had happened:
Google update: Real time Penguin? Or something else?
Then we realized it wasn’t really Penguin, so we moved on. We got the news that Google had made Google Panda a part of its core algorithm:
Google Panda part of Google’s core algorithm
And finally, we figured out what had changed in Google and what this update was really about: brand terms. Read this post for the full view:
Google core algorithm update: brand terms
In all honesty, this is what we’d call, in Dutch “een storm in een glas water”, which translates as: “a storm in a glass of water”, basically: much ado about nothing.
That’s it, see you next week!
Source:: SEO